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都市俠盜 第五季

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都市俠盜 第五季

John Rogers
《都市俠盜》類似現代版的羅賓漢與《十一羅漢》的綜合體,講述了一群各懷絕技的飛天大盜行俠仗義的故事。奧斯卡獎獲得者Timothy Hutton出演男一號。 該劇由Dean Devlin(《獨立日》, 《圖書管理員》)任導演, John Rogers(... 更多




We Provide Leverage! 2020-08-05

整部劇看下來,感覺像是看一個青少年的成長,整個團隊越來越默契,越來越像一家人,每個人都成為了更好的自己,Nate學會了正視自己的感情,Parker找到了feeling,特別喜歡Eliot被Parker用手指戳的時候,嘴上說著你敢戳我就撅斷……還沒說完Parker就上手了,Eliot一臉憤恨的轉身走人,動手是不可能動手的! 第一季中每個人設... 詳情

僅僅是一些關于《俠盜》的感受 2013-05-14

  每到看完一部美劇,心情總是高興不起來。這次,我用了近20天的時間看完《都市俠盜》。  《都市俠盜》主角們在戲中的陣容以及功能讓我想起之前我比較喜歡的《毛騙》,沒準后者也是對前者的致敬亦或許是山寨吧。一個小偷,一個黑客,一個打手,一個騙子和一個幕后,他們五人的組合創造出來的傳奇與影響卻是不可限量的。... 詳情

20121230,s05e15, Use cons and tricks to leverage, dark justice, dead society. 2012-12-30

20121230,s05e15, Use cons and tricks to leverage, dark justice, dead society. 詳情

20121222,s05e14, it has ruined my Chrismas memory.... 2012-12-22

20121222,s05e14, it has ruined my Chrismas memory.... 詳情

天下無有不散筵席——散了未必不是好事 2012-12-22

leverage要完結了,或者說傳言被腰斬了,或者說這一季最后一集就是結局。這句話總是有些傷感,好像老朋友要分離,或許永不再見,而曾經的歡樂將永為回憶。有點不舍得。還記得第一季第一集第一次俠盜們的任務,那時候他們還不知道今后會成為一個叫做Leverage的團體,那時候“除暴安良”這種事情他們不屑一顧,那時候他們各行... 詳情

20121214,s05e13, good taste of grape wine, but never happened to me. 2012-12-14

20121214,s05e13, good taste of grape wine, but never happened to me. 詳情

20121208,s05e12, white rabbit con is to take the truth, and not break the mark in process, the trick 2012-12-08

20121208,s05e12, white rabbit con is to take the truth, and not break the mark in process, the trick is to give enough to hold up, but not so much that you get pulled over with him. 詳情

20121129, every big company has scandal or dark, but to solve it, we shall prepare for more dark. 2012-11-29

20121129, every big company has scandal or dark, but to solve it, we shall prepare for more dark. 詳情

20121021,s05e03, I wonder whether this season is cut off? 2012-10-21

20121021,s05e03, I wonder whether this season is cut off? 詳情

20120918,s05e10, mysterious beauty with story. 2012-09-18

20120918,s05e10, mysterious beauty with story. 詳情
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